BSA San Diego-Imperial Council welcomes the opportunity to participate in community events with other organizations. The responsibility of the SDIC A&CS committee is to facilitate these events by making sure that council guidelines and policies are available and understood by community members, BSA districts and units as they plan their events. The committee is also responsible to plan and lead annual council-wide activities such as the Scouting For Food Service activity, Scout Nights at Petco Park, etc.
Contact the A&CS Committee Chair to begin the discussion of your activity. Complete the steps below to create a formal proposal for your activity to submit for council approval.
In order to provide the best experience for Scouts, unit leaders, district leaders and the community organizations who wish to partner with us, the A&CS Committee has created a simple procedure for organizing activities and events as follows:
Generally, the earlier you start, the better. Council-wide activities often have a planning phase of more than a year, to assure that the activity is scheduled at a time that works with the council master calendar, to be sure that the activity is properly staffed and that any planning that involves promoting the activity, planning a budget, or securing permits is set in place well in advance. Some activities require less time. However, we recommend a minimum of six months for most council-wide activities. If your proposed activity has been held in prior years, you should review the most recent budget and attendance figures as you get started.
The best place to start is setting a date that makes sense. You'll need sufficient time to develop the broad-based support the activity will require to be successful and to allow enough time for districts and units to incorporate the activity into their annual calendars. Beyond setting a date, you should consider how many people will be needed to staff the activity properly and what kinds of skills and experience will be needed. Consider the costs of the activity and how it will be funded. In ordering patches, ribbons, and other supplies, check with the Scout Shop for a quote. Their prices are competitive, quality is superb, and the product is guaranteed.
The San Diego-Imperial Council can help with planning by connecting you with Scouters who are experienced to help you have everything you need for planning a successful activity. In many cases, we can provide information from recent activities or events that may include project plans, budgets, evaluations, flyers or other promotional materials, details about supplies needed and sometimes inventory that can be used for the new activity or event. We also have written procedures and guidelines that will assist you in your planning. Consider using our online reservation system to quickly and efficiently track your attendees.