Eagle Scouts are a special breed!
The fact that a youth is an Eagle Scout has always carried with it a special significance, not only in Scouting but also as they enter higher education, business or industry, and community service.
Not every youth who joins a Scouts BSA troop earns the Eagle Scout rank. In fact, only 5% of all Scouts do so. More than 2.5 million Scouts have earned the rank between 1911 and Today.
This page is dedicated to the youth who strive to become a part of the small percent of youth who reach Scouting's highest achievement.
Getting Started
Congratulations! You've earned the Life Scout rank and are ready to begin your Eagle Scout Service Project. Before you take the first step, carefully read the information on this page. Copy and save the required documents to your computer.
If you already know what your Eagle Service Project is going to be, that's great! However, if you need some help in finding a project, you can select one from a list of suggested projects submitted to the San Diego-Imperial Council community here.
Starting Your Eagle Project
To meet National Scouts BSA requirements, you must have your Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal approved by an Eagle Project Counselor before you begin your work. For a listing of approved Eagle Project Counselors ask your unit leader for a reference.
You must use an Eagle Service Project Counselor in current standing from the approved list. There are no other approved counselors.
Choose an Eagle Project Counselor, then call and make an appointment to meet with them immediately. Your counselor will assist you as you develop a project proposal and continue to work with you as your Eagle Project Coach to help you develop a Project Plan.
Suggesting An Eagle Project
If you are part of a religious institution, school, or community organization and would like to propose a project to be completed by an Eagle Scout candidate, you can submit your proposal here. The project should be one that the Scout can plan, develop, and serve as a leader to others. Your suggestion will be listed here for no less than 60 days. If you wish to resubmit your proposal after the listing has expired, you may do so.
Forms, Worksheets and Letters
As you plan and carry out your leadership service project, you must use the forms, worksheets and letter formats listed below. Hand-written forms will not be accepted.
- Eagle Scout Rank Application - It can be filled out and saved on your computer. Follow the application guidelines to assist you in properly completing the application form, OR you may use the Eagle Rank Application found on Scoutbook. Log into Scoutbook, go to the Scout's Profile, scroll down to Reports, click on Eagle Application. The program will pre-populate the application with all Rank Dates, Merit Badge Dates, Profile and Position Dates.
- Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook - This workbook contains all project instructions and worksheets. It can be filled out and saved on your computer.
- Recommendation Letter - You must request a letter of recommendation from every reference listed on your Eagle Scout Rank Application. except Employer if you do not work. See Schedule an Eagle BOR for current instructions regarding submission of recommendation letters.
- Time Extension Request Form - It can be filled out and saved on your computer.
Letters of Recommendation
Everyone you list on your Eagle Scout Rank Application should write a letter of recommendation on your behalf. The letter of recommendation is confidential and is not to be returned directly to you.
You should not be involved personally in transmitting any correspondence between persons listed as references and the council.
Use the letter format listed above for all of your letters of recommendation. It includes instructions for the letter writers. See Schedule an Eagle BOR for current instructions regarding submission of recommendation letters and your Eagle Project Workbook to schedule an Eagle Board of Review.
The Eagle Scout Rank Application and the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook should be submitted BEFORE your 18th birthday.
The San Diego-Imperial Council Eagle Scout Alumni Association maintains a list of scholarships available through local and national sponsors. Each scholarship has it's own criteria and application deadline, so read them carefully.
NESA Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award
The National Eagle Scout Association has established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by a Scout for their Eagle Scout leadership service project. The San Diego-Imperial Council will select a local winner, and from that pool, each region will pick a region-level winner. A national winner then will be selected from the four regional finalists.
Great Links, Helpful Hints
The following websites will provide information on special organizations, as our council's Eagle Scout Alumni Association.
- The SDIC Eagle Scout Alumni Association (ESAA) - The ESAA was created with the express purpose to support and elarge the success of the Boy Scout movement and build fellowship among adult Eagles, ages 18 and older, in San Diego and Imperial Counties.
The ESAA achieves this purpose by retaining its 18 year old Eagle Scouts and recruiting as many as possible older Eagle Scouts to become Scouting volunteers, by supporting activities within the council that promote the Scouts, advancement along the trail to Eagle, and by giving recognition to the youth who earn the rank of Eagle Scout.
When you receive your Eagle rank and are 18 years old, you will be eligible for membership in this local association. Applications are available at the council Service Center or from any ESAA member. ESAA is the only local organization of Eagle Scouts. For more information, visit our Website.
- The National Eagle Scout Association - As a member of the National Eagle Scout Association, you further the mission, values, and time-honored traditions of Scouting in your community and our country. Give your Eagle pride a purpose by joining NESA today; the future is in your hands.
The National Eagle Scout Association is proud to offer scholarships that can help you continue your educational adventure.