A gift to our endowment fund ensures that the San Diego-Imperial Council can offer outstanding programs to our youth and community now and into the future. Through a charitable gift, you can benefit your family at the same time as you help your favorite charity or charities.
There are many ways you can give and have your legacy live on. The charitable bequest is the most familiar and widely used way to benefit Scouting at some future time. It is how most donors establish a legacy after their life-time. Most who include Scouting in their wills benefit their heirs at the same time. Depending on your needs, there are many forms a bequest to Scouting can take.
Charitable Remainder Trust
A Charitable Remainder Trust is a widely popular way to give to Scouting. This plan allows a donor to decide how much to put into the trust. This is a good way to give a highly appreciated asset to the Boy Scouts, sell the asset, and avoid paying income taxes on the gain realized in the sale. The donor chooses to receive a fixed percentage of the fair market value of these assets for the life of the donor. At the donor's passing, the trust's assets go to the Boy Scouts.
Charitable Gift Annuity
This form of gift is actually a contract between the donor and the Boy Scouts, wherein the donor transfers assets (cash, securities or real property) to the Boy Scouts, in exchange for the annual fixed dollar payment for the life of the stated beneficiary. When the stated income beneficiary passes, the gift goes to the Boy Scouts.
Bequests are usually the simplest kind of planned gift. A bequest is a provision in a donor's will or trust which names the Boy Scouts as a beneficiary of a portion of the donor's estate. When the donor passes, the donor's estate receives a charitable deduction for the total amount given to the Boy Scouts.
Charitable Lead Trust
If your goal is to provide an inheritance for your children, but you would also like to make a significant charitable gift to the Boy Scouts now, this form of gift might be right for you. Once the trust is set up, the assets are invested in order to generate annual income to the Boy Scouts for a specified number of years. At the end of this time, the trust is returned to the donor. This method generates a substantial amount of income, provides the donor an immediate tax deduction, and can save on estate taxes.
The Council Heritage Society
Since Scouting began in 1910, its variety of programs have helped children succeed and provided a lifetime of memories for each child.